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مراقبت های بهداشتی
منابع ارائه دهنده

منابع برای ارائه دهندگان خدمات بهداشتی در شمال یورک ،
برای راهنمایی شما و بیمارانتان از طریق بیماری همه گیر COVID-19 و فراتر از آن.

We have developed an information sheet for patients and the community to advise them of where they can seek care.

It includes details on Health811, 211 Ontario, local walk-in clinics for adults and children, support for seniors and how to be connected to a family doctor or nurse practitioner. 


The document is available to download in the following languages:​

English - Where to go for care in NY - Nov. 2024.png
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